Sacha Sikh Itihas app is first the app in Punjabi Language with real information about Sikh History. Many people have wrong information about Sikhisim. So we created this app with real information. With this app people can take information about sikh and their sacrifices.
All information are available in Punjabi language. This app is for education purpose. We tried our best to make this app.
In this app you will find:
Khalsa panth di Stapna
Panch pyare
4 Sahibjade
Chamkaur Sahib ji da yudh
Shaheed Baba deep singh ji
Chota Ghalughara
Vada Ghalughara
Maharaja Ranjit Singh ji
Hari Singh Nalwa
Key Features :
• This app is in Punjabi language
• This is offline app and once you download you no need any internet connection
• App size is very small
• Easy to use
Disclaimer : This is a free app for educational purpose only. The contents are used in this app are freely available on the internet. If you own any of the content and do not want to us by us so please send us an email at
Sacha Sikh Itihas应用程序是第一种使用旁遮普语的应用程序,提供有关锡克教历史的真实信息。许多人有关于Sikhisim的错误信息。因此,我们使用实际信息创建了此应用程序。有了这个应用程序,人们可以获取有关锡克教徒及其牺牲的信息。
Panch pyare
Chamkaur Sahib ji da yudh
Shaheed Baba deep singh ji
Chota Ghalughara
瓦达(Vada Ghalughara)
主要特征 :
• 易于使用